Democratising cocktails for all Aussies.


Cocktails aren’t easy. Well, making great tasting cocktails aren’t easy. BWS wanted to change that. So we hacked insta-stories and turned them into a simple measuring device. Just hold your phone next a jar and pour to the markers.


Webby Awards - How To & Explainer DIY - BWS - ‘Instapour’ - Winner

Webby Awards - Food & Beverage - BWS - ‘Instapour’ - Finalist

Cannes Awards - Engagement - Social & Influencer - Retail - InstaPour Finalist

One Show - Interactive Online & Mobile - Utility - BWS - InstaPour - Finalist

One Show - Direct Marketing - Social Media Post - Series - BWS - InstaPour - Shortlist

One Show - Direct Marketing - Digital and Online Digital & Online - Websites & Mobile - BWS - InstaPour - Shortlist

One Show - Social Media Innovation & Transformation - Innovation in Social Media - BWS - InstaPour - Shortlist

Awards Awards - Social Media Advertising - Best Use of Social - BWS - ‘Instapour’ - Finalist

Awards Awards - Retail Advertising - Social Media for Commerce - BWS - ‘Instapour’ - Finalist

Awards Awards - Brand Innovation - Brand Engagement - BWS - ‘Instapour’ - Bronze

D&AD Award - BWS - ‘Instapour’ - Shortlist

Mumbrella Awards - Best Use of User Experience - BWS - InstaPour - Shortlist


The Dancing Hot Dog Returns